Saturday, September 15, 2018

History of telephone ????

The history of the telephone:-

On March 10, 1876, Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call.

About Graham Bell:-

Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3,1847 in Scotland.Graham Bell was very genius and intelligent from childhood.when Graham bell completed his graduate that time his age only 13 year's old.In 16 year's old he was a music teacher .
                                                    In the age of 23 Graham bell discover a piano.this piano was very famous in public that time .

About family:- 

Alexander mother and wife both were deaf.but they were very strong women.they were master of 'Science of Sound'. 

History of telephone:-

Graham bell when invent the telephone than he was change the world and connect the people by communication.Graham bell and his friend Thomas Watson working on this project from many times.But in September 10,1876 was the that day when both discovered a new invention and that invention is Telephone.

AT $T telecommunication :-

After the invention of telephone Graham bill build a telecommunication company and that's name is At and T in 1877.and this company provides telephone in all world.

Graham death:- 

Graham bill invent many things in our life.In the age of 75 Alexander Graham Bill died cause of ammonia in 2 August 1922.
That day was mourning day for everyone and all were very sad. 
                                         This is the story of real life hero Alexander Graham Bill whose invent the telephone whose change the world.

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